Hard Rock Cafe Rolls Out Vegan Moving Mountains Burger Across Europe

moving mountains burger

Moving Mountain, a plant-based food technology company, is officially launching its meatless ‘bleeding’ burger at the legendary burger chain, Hard Rock Cafe in 23 Hard Rock Cafe outlets across Europe.

The mighty 6oz Moving Mountains Burger, which sizzles, smells, tastes and bleeds like meat but is completely plant-based, will be added to the menu allowing more people to bite into the future of food.  

The iconic cafe will offer a classic serve of the burger, which packs 25g of protein.

Simeon Van der Molen, Founder of Moving Mountains says: “Our mission is to expand into new restaurants and cities making truly inspiring flexitarian dining available to everyone using the latest food technology. Our launch into the world-famous Hard Rock Cafe, which is renowned for its legendary burgers, certifies the Moving Mountains Burger as a truly delicious burger that can compete with beef and match the size too with our 6oz patty!”

The Moving Mountains Burger will launch into the following 23 Hard Rock Cafe locations across Europe: Amsterdam, Antwerp, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Cologne, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Florence, Glasgow, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Manchester, Munich, Nice, Paris, Prague, Rome, Seville, Venice and Vienna.

The Moving Mountains Burger 

Every Moving Mountains burger is made using natural ingredients, ground-breaking science, state-of-the-art machines and the latest food technology so that the burger replicates animal meat in every way – it even bleeds through the middle with beetroot juice instead of blood. Additional natural ingredients include succulent oyster mushrooms, pea, wheat and soy proteins, antioxidant-rich coconut oil, oats and the RDA of vitamin B12.

The 6oz Moving Mountains Burger has zero cholesterol, 25g of plant protein, is vegan and free-from antibiotics and hormones. 

A 100% independent British business, Moving Mountains’ plant-based meat requires less land and water and produces less greenhouse emissions than animal meat, it can be enjoyed completely guilt-free.

More at: www.movingmountainsfoods.com.