Roasted Carrot and Cumin Soup With Shiitake Bacon

Simple, delicious, nutritious, fast and oil free


The flavors of this soup get better and better so make it a day ahead.  It is also great to pack in your lunch box the next day so remember to make extra.

Soup Ingredients

  • 2 pounds of  carrots
  • 1 good size onion, rough chopped
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic, un-peeled
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 4 cups of vegetable stock (you may need more)


  • Heat the oven to 375F
  • Rough chop the carrots into about 3 inch pieces and roast in the oven on a silicone mat for about 30 minutes.
  • At 30 minute in add the rough chopped onion and the un-peeled garlic cloves and roast for approximately 30 minutes more.
  • Add the roasted carrots and onions in batches to a high speed blender and squeeze in the roasted garlic cloves ( the garlic should pop right out of the papery skin).
  • Blend the veggies with vegetable stock and add in the cumin then season to taste.

*It may be easier to add everything to a large soup pot and blend in batches. Return to the pot to heat up before serving.

Serve it warm and topped with a swirl of cashew cream and topped with “shiitake bacon”.

For the Cashew Cream

Soak half a cup of cashews in water for about 2 hours

Blend the cashews with the juice of half a lemon, one clove of garlic, a splash of apple cider vinegar (1/2 teaspoon) and salt-free seasoning  to taste.

This whips up into a delicious creamy topping and really looks very appealing on top of the soup.

For the oil-free Shiitake Bacon

2 cups of shiitake mushrooms sliced very thin

Spread the thinly sliced mushrooms on a silpat or silicone mat in a single layer and put them in the oven at 350F for 10 minutes and then turn them over and put them back in for another 10 minutes but keep checking to make sure they don’t burn.

*There are many ways to make these with added flavors and oil but this method keeps them simple and oil free.

With Gratitude!

Recipe courtesy of The Speedy Vegan.