Comfortably Unaware: The True Cost of Food

What is the true cost of the food you eat every day?

Comfortably Unaware

Comfortably Unaware: The True Cost of Food

In “Comfortably Unaware,” Dr. Richard Oppenlander tackles a critical question: What is the true cost of the food you eat every day?

The questions are piercing and the topic is essential. Oppenlander compels us to consider what resources were used and what was destroyed in order to get food to our plates.  He probes the very nature of sustainability, particularly as applied to your food choices and even closer to home –how sustainable is that particular food to your own health.

 “Comfortably Unaware”, reveals a new level of awareness about food choice and its impact on our world. It doesn’t stop at just identifying the problem. It describes the cultural and political origins and offers a viable solution.

The book breaks down the information in easy-to-read chapters that touch on pertinent issues ranging from the rainforests (depleting the lungs of our planet), to water and oceans, to world hunger, to the air we breathe His fresh insight on this suppressed, and often controversial, topic goes well beyond the now-familiar warnings about global warming and use of fossil fuels.

In our opinion, this book is essential reading and provides entirely new perspectives on our culture and its intersection with food.

Order it on Amazon today.